The fabulous furry Freak Brothers. Collection one (edizione italiana)
Gilbert Shelton, sn, sdFumetti
The fabulous furry Freak Brothers. Collection two (edizione italiana)
Gilbert Shelton, sn, sdFotografia
The man who shot Garbo. The Hollywood photographs of Clarence Sinclair Bull
John Korbal, Terence Pepper, Simon and Shuster, 1989Medicina
The Management of fractures and dislocations – An Atlas. Two books
Anthony F. DePalma, W.B. Saunders Company, 1959Americhe
Pietro Centanini, Tip. editrice La Garangola, 2008Musica
Wu Ming 1, Abraxas/ESP-Disk, 2006Chimica
The organic chem lab survival manual. A student’s guide to techniques. Third edition
James W. Zubrick, Inc., John Wiley & Sons, 1992Musica
Vernon Joynson, Borderline productions, 1998Artigianato
The Toolbox Book: A Craftsman’s Guide to Tool Chests, Cabinets, and Storage systems
Jim Tolpin, The Taunton Press, 1995